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Adapter for Integration to Oracle Cloud


This adapter is used to integrate the Itential Automation Platform (IAP) with the OracleCloud System. The API that was used to build the adapter for OracleCloud is usually available in the report directory of this adapter. The adapter utilizes the OracleCloud API to provide the integrations that are deemed pertinent to IAP. The ReadMe file is intended to provide information on this adapter it is generated from various other Markdown files.


The Oracle Cloud adapter from Itential is used to integrate the Itential Automation Platform (IAP) with Oracle Cloud. With this adapter you have the ability to perform operations on items such as:

  • Templates
  • Configurations
  • Folders
  • Files
  • Sites
  • Shares

For further technical details on how to install and use this adapter, please click the Technical Documentation tab.

Oracle Cloud

Table of Contents

Specific Adapter Information


This document will go through the steps for authenticating the Oracle Cloud adapter with OAuth Authentication and Basic Authentication. Properly configuring the properties for an adapter in IAP is critical for getting the adapter online. You can read more about adapter authentication HERE.

OAuth Two Step Token Authentication

The Oracle Cloud adapter requires OAuth Two Step Token Authentication. If you change authentication methods, you should change this section accordingly and merge it back into the adapter repository.

Oracle Cloud requires Basic Authentication on the token request along with a grant type of "client_credentials".


  1. Ensure you have access to a Oracle Cloud server and that it is running
  2. Follow the steps in the to import the adapter into IAP if you have not already done so
  3. Use the properties below for the properties.authentication field
    "authentication": {
       "auth_method": "request_token",
       "username": "clientID",
       "password": "clientSecret",
       "token_timeout": 1800000,
       "token_cache": "local",
       "invalid_token_error": 401,
       "auth_field": "header.headers.Authorization",
       "auth_field_format": "Bearer {token}",
       "grant_type": "client_credentials",
       "scope": "scopeString",
       "sso": {
         "protocol": "https",
         "host": "idcs_tenantname",
         "port": 443
  4. Restart the adapter. If your properties were set correctly, the adapter should go online.

Basic Authentication

The Oracle Cloud adapter can also authenticate using Basic Authentication. If you change authentication methods, you should change this section accordingly and merge it back into the adapter repository.


  1. Ensure you have access to a Oracle Cloud server and that it is running
  2. Follow the steps in the to import the adapter into IAP if you have not already done so
  3. Use the properties below for the properties.authentication field
    "authentication": {
    "auth_method": "basic user_password",
    "username": "<username>",
    "password": "<password>",
    "token_timeout": 1800000,
    "token_cache": "local",
    "invalid_token_error": 401,
    "auth_field": "header.headers.Authorization",
    "auth_field_format": "Basic {b64}{username}:{password}{/b64}",
    "auth_logging": false,
  4. Restart the adapter. If your properties were set correctly, the adapter should go online.


  • Make sure you copied over the correct username and password.
  • Turn on debug level logs for the adapter in IAP Admin Essentials.
  • Turn on auth_logging for the adapter in IAP Admin Essentials (adapter properties).
  • Investigate the logs - in particular:
    • The FULL REQUEST log to make sure the proper headers are being sent with the request.
    • The FULL BODY log to make sure the payload is accurate.
    • The CALL RETURN log to see what the other system is telling us.
  • Credentials should be masked by the adapter so make sure you verify the username and password - including that there are erroneous spaces at the front or end.
  • Remember when you are done to turn auth_logging off as you do not want to log credentials.

    Sample Properties

Sample Properties can be used to help you configure the adapter in the Itential Automation Platform. You will need to update connectivity information such as the host, port, protocol and credentials.

  "properties": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 443,
    "choosepath": "",
    "base_path": "/",
    "version": "",
    "cache_location": "none",
    "encode_pathvars": true,
    "encode_queryvars": true,
    "save_metric": false,
    "stub": true,
    "protocol": "https",
    "authentication": {
      "auth_method": "request_token",
      "username": "username",
      "password": "password",
      "token": "token",
      "token_timeout": 1800000,
      "token_cache": "local",
      "invalid_token_error": 401,
      "auth_field": "header.headers.Authorization",
      "auth_field_format": "Bearer {token}",
      "auth_logging": false,
      "client_id": "",
      "client_secret": "",
      "grant_type": "client_credentials",
      "scope": "scopeString",
      "sensitive": [],
      "sso": {
        "protocol": "https",
        "host": "idcs_tenantname",
        "port": 443
      "multiStepAuthCalls": [
          "name": "",
          "requestFields": {},
          "responseFields": {},
          "successfullResponseCode": 200
    "healthcheck": {
      "type": "none",
      "frequency": 60000,
      "query_object": {},
      "addlHeaders": {}
    "throttle": {
      "throttle_enabled": false,
      "number_pronghorns": 1,
      "sync_async": "sync",
      "max_in_queue": 1000,
      "concurrent_max": 1,
      "expire_timeout": 0,
      "avg_runtime": 200,
      "priorities": [
          "value": 0,
          "percent": 100
    "request": {
      "number_redirects": 0,
      "number_retries": 3,
      "limit_retry_error": [
      "failover_codes": [],
      "attempt_timeout": 5000,
      "global_request": {
        "payload": {},
        "uriOptions": {},
        "addlHeaders": {},
        "authData": {}
      "healthcheck_on_timeout": true,
      "return_raw": false,
      "archiving": false,
      "return_request": false
    "proxy": {
      "enabled": false,
      "host": "",
      "port": 1,
      "protocol": "http",
      "username": "",
      "password": ""
    "ssl": {
      "ecdhCurve": "",
      "enabled": false,
      "accept_invalid_cert": false,
      "ca_file": "",
      "key_file": "",
      "cert_file": "",
      "secure_protocol": "",
      "ciphers": ""
    "mongo": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 0,
      "database": "",
      "username": "",
      "password": "",
      "replSet": "",
      "db_ssl": {
        "enabled": false,
        "accept_invalid_cert": false,
        "ca_file": "",
        "key_file": "",
        "cert_file": ""
    "devicebroker": {
      "enabled": false,
      "getDevice": [
          "path": "/not/mapped",
          "method": "GET",
          "query": {},
          "body": {},
          "headers": {},
          "handleFailure": "ignore",
          "requestFields": {
            "insample": "{port}"
          "responseDatakey": "",
          "responseFields": {
            "name": "{this}{||}{that}",
            "ostype": "{osfield}",
            "ostypePrefix": "meraki-",
            "port": "{port}",
            "ipaddress": "{ip_addr}",
            "serial": "{serial}"
      "getDevicesFiltered": [
          "path": "/not/mapped",
          "method": "GET",
          "pagination": {
            "offsetVar": "",
            "limitVar": "",
            "incrementBy": "limit",
            "requestLocation": "query"
          "query": {},
          "body": {},
          "headers": {},
          "handleFailure": "ignore",
          "requestFields": {},
          "responseDatakey": "",
          "responseFields": {
            "name": "{this}{||}{that}",
            "ostype": "{osfield}",
            "ostypePrefix": "meraki-",
            "port": "{port}",
            "ipaddress": "{ip_addr}",
            "serial": "{serial}",
            "id": "{myid}"
      "isAlive": [
          "path": "/not/mapped/{devID}",
          "method": "GET",
          "query": {},
          "body": {},
          "headers": {},
          "handleFailure": "ignore",
          "requestFields": {
            "devID": "{id}"
          "responseDatakey": "",
          "responseFields": {
            "status": "return2xx",
            "statusValue": "AD.200"
      "getConfig": [
          "path": "/not/mapped/{devID}",
          "method": "GET",
          "query": {},
          "body": {},
          "headers": {},
          "handleFailure": "ignore",
          "requestFields": {
            "devID": "{id}"
          "responseDatakey": "",
          "responseFields": {}
      "getCount": [
          "path": "/not/mapped",
          "method": "GET",
          "query": {},
          "body": {},
          "headers": {},
          "handleFailure": "ignore",
          "requestFields": {},
          "responseDatakey": "",
          "responseFields": {}
    "cache": {
      "enabled": false,
      "entities": [
          "entityType": "device",
          "frequency": 3600,
          "flushOnFail": false,
          "limit": 10000,
          "retryAttempts": 5,
          "sort": true,
          "populate": [
              "path": "/not/mapped",
              "method": "GET",
              "pagination": {
                "offsetVar": "",
                "limitVar": "",
                "incrementBy": "limit",
                "requestLocation": "query"
              "query": {},
              "body": {},
              "headers": {},
              "handleFailure": "ignore",
              "requestFields": {},
              "responseDatakey": "",
              "responseFields": {
                "name": "{this}{||}{that}",
                "ostype": "{osfield}",
                "ostypePrefix": "meraki-",
                "port": "{port}",
                "ipaddress": "{ip_addr}",
                "serial": "{serial}",
                "id": "{myid}"
          "cachedTasks": [
              "name": "",
              "filterField": "",
              "filterLoc": ""


Generic Adapter Information