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Workflow Project

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AWS EC2 - Modular Automations


The integration of Itential and the AWS EC2 solution enables network teams to utilize its REST API to build automations that can include common tasks for provisioning and configuring resources for AWS EC2. This is a library of related automations that can be used as modular components in your own larger, end-to-end workflows.


Add Ingress Rule to Security Group - AWSA modular workflow that automates adding an ingress rule to a security group.
Create and Attach Internet Gateway - AWSA modular workflow that automates creating and attaching an internet gateway to a VPC in AWS.
Create EC2 Instance - AWSA modular workflow that automates creating an EC2 instance in AWS.
Create Route - AWSA modular workflow that automates creating a route within a VPC in AWS.
Create Security Group with Ingress Rules - AWSA modular workflow that automates creating a security group with ingress rules in AWS.
Create VPC - AWSA modular workflow that automates creating a VPC in AWS.
Create VPC Subnet - AWSA modular workflow that automates creating a subnet for a VPC in AWS.
Provision VPC with Networking - AWSA modular workflow that automates creating and configuring a VPC with networking in AWS.
Delete Security Groups by VPC - AWSA modular workflow that automates deleting VPC Security groups in AWS.
Delete Subnets by VPC - AWSA modular workflow that automates deleting subnets by VPC in AWS.
Destroy VPC and EC2 Instance - AWSA modular workflow that automates destroying a VPC and EC2 Instance in AWS
Detach and Delete Internet Gateways by VPC - AWSA modular workflow that automates detaching and deleting VPC internet gateways in AWS.

For further technical details on how to install and use this Workflow Project, please click the Technical Documentation tab.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

This section is helpful for deployments as it provides you with pertinent information on prerequisites and properties.

Helpful Background Information

Workflows often include logic that varies from business to business. As a result, we often find that our Workflow Projects are more useful as modular components that can be incorporated into a larger process. In addition, they often can add value as a learning tool on how we integrate with other systems and how we do things within the Itential Automation Platform.

While these can be utilized, you may find more value in using them as a starting point to build around.


Itential Workflow Projects are built and tested on particular versions of IAP. In addition, Workflow Projects are often dependent on external systems and as such, these Workflow Projects will have dependencies on these other systems. This version of AWS - EC2 - REST has been tested with:

  • IAP 2023.2

External Dependencies

NameOS VersionAPI Version


NameVersionConfiguration Notes
adapter-aws_ec2^0.7.2In order to run the workflows in this Pre-Built Automation, the adapter property xmlArrayKeys must be added to the AWS EC2 adapter configuration with value as seen below:
"xmlArrayKeys": [

This will ensure all response objects will set the data type of any instance of property item to an array, even if a single element is assigned to the property.

How to Install

To install the Workflow Project:

  • Verify you are running a supported version of the Itential Automation Platform (IAP) as listed above in the Supported IAP Versions section in order to install the Example Project.
  • Import the Example Project in Admin Essentials.


Cypress is generally used to test all Itential Example Projects. While Cypress is an opensource tool, at Itential we have internal libraries that have been built around Cypress to allow us to test with a deployed IAP.

When certifying our Example Projects for a release of IAP we run these tests against the particular version of IAP and create a release branch in GitLab. If you do not see the Example Project available in your version of IAP please contact Itential.

While Itential tests this Example Project and its capabilities, it is often the case the customer environments offer their own unique circumstances. Therefore, it is our recommendation that you deploy this Example Project into a development/testing environment in which you can test the Example Project.

Using this Workflow Project

Workflow Projects contain 1 or more workflows. Each of these workflows have different inputs and outputs.

Add Ingress Rule to Security Group - AWS

A modular workflow that automates adding an ingress rule to a security group.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to add Ingress Rule to Security group in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Add Ingress Rule to Security Group - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Add Ingress Rule to Security Group - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Add Ingress Rule to Security Group - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
sourceCidrIpstringyesThe IPv4 address range, in CIDR format
fromPortnumberyesThe start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number
toPortnumberyesThe end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code number
groupIdstringyesThe ID of the security group
ipProtocolstringyesThe IP protocol name ( tcp , udp , icmp ) or number
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Add Ingress Rule to Security Group - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
updatedSecurityGroupobjectThe result of Create rule request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse": {
      "_attr": {
        "xmlns": ""
      "requestId": "2cf4e379-aac3-4fbe-b75d-543127204d91",
      "return": "true",
      "securityGroupRuleSet": {
        "item": [
            "groupOwnerId": "314014972859",
            "groupId": "sg-08f249db62d26d8a6",
            "securityGroupRuleId": "sgr-08f9a989136861e6c",
            "isEgress": "false",
            "ipProtocol": "tcp",
            "fromPort": "80",
            "toPort": "80",
            "cidrIpv4": ""

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Add Ingress Rule to Security Group - AWS:

Security Group Rule ID


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "sourceCidrIp": "", 
  "fromPort": 80, 
  "groupId": "sg-08f249db62d26d8a6", 
  "ipProtocol": "TCP", 
  "toPort": 80, 
  "adapterId": "EC2" 


  "updatedSecurityGroup": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse": {
        "_attr": { 
          "xmlns": "" 
        "requestId": "2cf4e379-aac3-4fbe-b75d-543127204d91",
        "return": "true",
        "securityGroupRuleSet": {
          "item": [
              "groupOwnerId": "314014972859",
              "groupId": "sg-08f249db62d26d8a6",
              "securityGroupRuleId": "sgr-08f9a989136861e6c",
              "isEgress": "false",
              "ipProtocol": "tcp",
              "fromPort": "80",
              "toPort": "80",
              "cidrIpv4": ""

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Authorize Security Group Ingress - AWS EC2

Create EC2 Instance - AWS

A modular workflow that automates creating an EC2 instance in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • Launch an EC2 instance in AWS
  • Check status of launched EC2 instance until it is ready for use in AWS
  • Creates tag for launched EC2 instance

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create EC2 Instance - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create EC2 Instance - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create EC2 Instance - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
imageIdstringyesThe ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
instanceTypestringnoThe instance type
securityGroupIdarraynoThe IDs of the security groups
networkInterfacearraynoThe network interfaces to associate with the instance
    "SubnetId": "subnet-0d01076d82853eac1",
    "DeviceIndex": 0,
    "AssociatePublicIpAddress": true,
    "SecurityGroupId": [
vpcNamestringnoName of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create EC2 Instance - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
publicIpstringPublic IP of the created EC2 instance
instanceInfoobjectCreated Instance Info
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "DescribeInstancesResponse": {
      "_attr": {
        "xmlns": ""
      "requestId": "59729eb9-c110-4b1c-bd2e-1a08dae45664",
      "reservationSet": {
        "item": [
            "reservationId": "r-00bf9973a17756cb9",
            "ownerId": "314014972859",
            "groupSet": "",
            "instancesSet": {
              "item": [
                  "instanceId": "i-028ff00bc5698aad0",
                  "imageId": "ami-041feb57c611358bd",
                  "instanceState": {
                    "code": "16",
                    "name": "running"
                  "privateDnsName": "ip-172-31-18-198.ec2.internal",
                  "dnsName": "",
                  "reason": "",
                  "amiLaunchIndex": "0",
                  "productCodes": "",
                  "instanceType": "t2.micro",
                  "launchTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:27.000Z",
                  "placement": {
                    "availabilityZone": "us-east-1d",
                    "groupName": "",
                    "tenancy": "default"
                  "monitoring": {
                    "state": "disabled"
                  "subnetId": "subnet-0fd6d26fc17380403",
                  "vpcId": "vpc-0324c35cf9d083a40",
                  "privateIpAddress": "",
                  "ipAddress": "",
                  "sourceDestCheck": "true",
                  "groupSet": {
                    "item": [
                        "groupId": "sg-0df320af9c57973a4",
                        "groupName": "default"
                  "architecture": "x86_64",
                  "rootDeviceType": "ebs",
                  "rootDeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
                  "blockDeviceMapping": {
                    "item": [
                        "deviceName": "/dev/xvda",
                        "ebs": {
                          "volumeId": "vol-06f72a3639723aa36",
                          "status": "attached",
                          "attachTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:27.000Z",
                          "deleteOnTermination": "true"
                  "virtualizationType": "hvm",
                  "clientToken": "",
                  "tagSet": {
                    "item": [
                        "key": "Name",
                        "value": "Apache Web Server for "
                  "hypervisor": "xen",
                  "networkInterfaceSet": {
                    "item": [
                        "networkInterfaceId": "eni-08728a92558ff3548",
                        "subnetId": "subnet-0fd6d26fc17380403",
                        "vpcId": "vpc-0324c35cf9d083a40",
                        "description": "",
                        "ownerId": "314014972859",
                        "status": "in-use",
                        "macAddress": "0a:bd:5f:41:37:ff",
                        "privateIpAddress": "",
                        "privateDnsName": "ip-172-31-18-198.ec2.internal",
                        "sourceDestCheck": "true",
                        "groupSet": {
                          "item": [
                              "groupId": "sg-0df320af9c57973a4",
                              "groupName": "default"
                        "attachment": {
                          "attachmentId": "eni-attach-007008b2faaf46562",
                          "deviceIndex": "0",
                          "status": "attached",
                          "attachTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:27.000Z",
                          "deleteOnTermination": "true",
                          "networkCardIndex": "0"
                        "association": {
                          "publicIp": "",
                          "publicDnsName": "",
                          "ipOwnerId": "amazon"
                        "privateIpAddressesSet": {
                          "item": [
                              "privateIpAddress": "",
                              "privateDnsName": "ip-172-31-18-198.ec2.internal",
                              "primary": "true",
                              "association": {
                                "publicIp": "",
                                "publicDnsName": "",
                                "ipOwnerId": "amazon"
                        "ipv6AddressesSet": "",
                        "interfaceType": "interface"
                  "ebsOptimized": "false",
                  "enaSupport": "true",
                  "cpuOptions": {
                    "coreCount": "1",
                    "threadsPerCore": "1"
                  "capacityReservationSpecification": {
                    "capacityReservationPreference": "open"
                  "hibernationOptions": {
                    "configured": "false"
                  "enclaveOptions": {
                    "enabled": "false"
                  "metadataOptions": {
                    "state": "applied",
                    "httpTokens": "required",
                    "httpPutResponseHopLimit": "2",
                    "httpEndpoint": "enabled",
                    "httpProtocolIpv4": "enabled",
                    "httpProtocolIpv6": "disabled",
                    "instanceMetadataTags": "disabled"
                  "maintenanceOptions": {
                    "autoRecovery": "default"
                  "bootMode": "uefi-preferred",
                  "currentInstanceBootMode": "legacy-bios",
                  "platformDetails": "Linux/UNIX",
                  "usageOperation": "RunInstances",
                  "usageOperationUpdateTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:26.000Z",
                  "privateDnsNameOptions": {
                    "hostnameType": "ip-name",
                    "enableResourceNameDnsARecord": "false",
                    "enableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": "false"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create EC2 Instance - AWS:

Public IP of the Created EC2 Instance


Created EC2 Instance ID


Created EC2 Instance State


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "imageId": "ami-041feb57c611358bd", 
  "instanceType": "t2.micro", 
  "securityGroupId": [
  "networkInterface": [],
  "adapterId": "EC2", 
  "vpcName": "" 


  "instanceInfo": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "DescribeInstancesResponse": {
        "_attr": {
          "xmlns": ""
        "requestId": "59729eb9-c110-4b1c-bd2e-1a08dae45664",
        "reservationSet": {
          "item": [
              "reservationId": "r-00bf9973a17756cb9",
              "ownerId": "314014972859",
              "groupSet": "",
              "instancesSet": {
                "item": [
                    "instanceId": "i-028ff00bc5698aad0",
                    "imageId": "ami-041feb57c611358bd",
                    "instanceState": {
                      "code": "16",
                      "name": "running"
                    "privateDnsName": "ip-172-31-18-198.ec2.internal",
                    "dnsName": "",
                    "reason": "",
                    "amiLaunchIndex": "0",
                    "productCodes": "",
                    "instanceType": "t2.micro",
                    "launchTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:27.000Z",
                    "placement": {
                      "availabilityZone": "us-east-1d",
                      "groupName": "",
                      "tenancy": "default"
                    "monitoring": {
                      "state": "disabled"
                    "subnetId": "subnet-0fd6d26fc17380403",
                    "vpcId": "vpc-0324c35cf9d083a40",
                    "privateIpAddress": "",
                    "ipAddress": "",
                    "sourceDestCheck": "true",
                    "groupSet": {
                      "item": [
                          "groupId": "sg-0df320af9c57973a4",
                          "groupName": "default"
                    "architecture": "x86_64",
                    "rootDeviceType": "ebs",
                    "rootDeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
                    "blockDeviceMapping": {
                      "item": [
                          "deviceName": "/dev/xvda",
                          "ebs": {
                            "volumeId": "vol-06f72a3639723aa36",
                            "status": "attached",
                            "attachTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:27.000Z",
                            "deleteOnTermination": "true"
                    "virtualizationType": "hvm",
                    "clientToken": "",
                    "tagSet": {
                      "item": [
                          "key": "Name",
                          "value": "Apache Web Server for "
                    "hypervisor": "xen",
                    "networkInterfaceSet": {
                      "item": [
                          "networkInterfaceId": "eni-08728a92558ff3548",
                          "subnetId": "subnet-0fd6d26fc17380403",
                          "vpcId": "vpc-0324c35cf9d083a40",
                          "description": "",
                          "ownerId": "314014972859",
                          "status": "in-use",
                          "macAddress": "0a:bd:5f:41:37:ff",
                          "privateIpAddress": "",
                          "privateDnsName": "ip-172-31-18-198.ec2.internal",
                          "sourceDestCheck": "true",
                          "groupSet": {
                            "item": [
                                "groupId": "sg-0df320af9c57973a4",
                                "groupName": "default"
                          "attachment": {
                            "attachmentId": "eni-attach-007008b2faaf46562",
                            "deviceIndex": "0",
                            "status": "attached",
                            "attachTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:27.000Z",
                            "deleteOnTermination": "true",
                            "networkCardIndex": "0"
                          "association": {
                            "publicIp": "",
                            "publicDnsName": "",
                            "ipOwnerId": "amazon"
                          "privateIpAddressesSet": {
                            "item": [
                                "privateIpAddress": "",
                                "privateDnsName": "ip-172-31-18-198.ec2.internal",
                                "primary": "true",
                                "association": {
                                  "publicIp": "",
                                  "publicDnsName": "",
                                  "ipOwnerId": "amazon"
                          "ipv6AddressesSet": "",
                          "interfaceType": "interface"
                    "ebsOptimized": "false",
                    "enaSupport": "true",
                    "cpuOptions": {
                      "coreCount": "1",
                      "threadsPerCore": "1"
                    "capacityReservationSpecification": {
                      "capacityReservationPreference": "open"
                    "hibernationOptions": {
                      "configured": "false"
                    "enclaveOptions": {
                      "enabled": "false"
                    "metadataOptions": {
                      "state": "applied",
                      "httpTokens": "required",
                      "httpPutResponseHopLimit": "2",
                      "httpEndpoint": "enabled",
                      "httpProtocolIpv4": "enabled",
                      "httpProtocolIpv6": "disabled",
                      "instanceMetadataTags": "disabled"
                    "maintenanceOptions": {
                      "autoRecovery": "default"
                    "bootMode": "uefi-preferred",
                    "currentInstanceBootMode": "legacy-bios",
                    "platformDetails": "Linux/UNIX",
                    "usageOperation": "RunInstances",
                    "usageOperationUpdateTime": "2023-10-23T00:43:26.000Z",
                    "privateDnsNameOptions": {
                      "hostnameType": "ip-name",
                      "enableResourceNameDnsARecord": "false",
                      "enableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": "false"
  "publicIp": ""

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Run Instances - AWS EC2
Describe Instance Status - AWS EC2
Create Tags - AWS EC2

Create Route - AWS

A modular workflow that automates creating a route within a VPC in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • Create a route in a route table associated with a VPC in AWS
  • If no route ID provided, default route table is used
  • If more than one route table found associated with VPC and no route ID provied, manual task confirms using first route table to create route

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create Route - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create Route - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create Route - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
routeTableIdstringnoID of the route table in which to create route
destinationCidrBlockstringyesThe IPv4 CIDR address block used for the destination match
gatewayIdstringyesThe ID of an internet gateway or virtual private gateway attached to your VPC (also referred to as thet target in the route table)
vpcIdstringyesID of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create Route - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
routeTableIdstringID of the route table
createdRouteobjectResult of the create route request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "CreateRouteResponse": {
      "_attr": {
        "xmlns": ""
      "requestId": "4e157878-b2fb-4f95-8312-8c3cbbec8b18",
      "return": "true"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create Route - AWS:

Route Table ID


Create Route Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "routeTableId": "",
  "destinationCidrBlock": "",
  "gatewayId": "igw-0fae02dad528986b6", 
  "adapterId": "EC2", 
  "vpcId": "vpc-0324c35cf9d083a40" 


  "routeTableId": "rtb-06d646d475a5b5d48",
  "createdRoute": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": { 
      "CreateRouteResponse": { 
        "_attr": { 
          "xmlns": "" 
        "requestId": "4e157878-b2fb-4f95-8312-8c3cbbec8b18", 
        "return": "true" 

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Create Route - AWS EC2
Configure Route Tables - AWS EC2
Describe Route Tables - AWS EC2

Create Security Group with Ingress Rules - AWS

A modular workflow that automates creating a security group with ingress rules in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • Create a security group in AWS EC2
  • Add ingress rule to created security group

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create Security Group with Ingress Rules - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create Security Group with Ingress Rules - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create Security Group with Ingress Rules - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
securityGroupDescriptionstringyesA description for the security group
Web Servers
securityGroupNamestringyesThe name of the security group
vpcIdstringyesID of the VPC
ruleListarrayyesList of Ingress rules
    "protocol": "TCP",
    "port": 80,
    "sourceIp": "",
    "sourceSubnetCidrMask": 32
    "protocol": "TCP",
    "port": 80,
    "sourceIp": "",
    "sourceSubnetCidrMask": 32
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create Security Group with Ingress Rules - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
securityGroupIdstringID of the created Security group

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create Security Group with Ingress Rules - AWS:

Security Group ID


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "securityGroupDescription": "TestING",
  "securityGroupName": "FOR TESTING",
  "vpcId": "vpc-004c7963c31a8d156",
  "adapterId": "EC2",
  "ruleList": [
      "protocol": "TCP", 
      "port": 80, 
      "sourceIp": "", 
      "sourceSubnetCidrMask": 32 
      "protocol": "TCP", 
      "port": 80, 
      "sourceIp": "", 
      "sourceSubnetCidrMask": 32 


  "securityGroupId": "sg-0bd40e2d7195add77"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Create Security Group - AWS EC2
Authorize Security Group Ingress - AWS EC2

Create VPC - AWS

A modular workflow that automates creating a VPC in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create a VPC in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create VPC - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create VPC - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create VPC - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
cidrBlockstringyesThe IPv4 network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation
vpcNamestringyesName of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create VPC - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
createdVpcobjectThe Create VPC request result
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "CreateVpcResponse": {
      "_attr": {
        "xmlns": ""
      "requestId": "da850668-b4d9-4c57-846a-7b64e487eef9",
      "vpc": {
        "vpcId": "vpc-057e1defa8211ba74",
        "ownerId": "314014972859",
        "state": "pending",
        "cidrBlock": "",
        "cidrBlockAssociationSet": {
          "item": [
              "cidrBlock": "",
              "associationId": "vpc-cidr-assoc-0f0f4d51506a452cd",
              "cidrBlockState": {
                "state": "associated"
        "ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": "",
        "dhcpOptionsId": "dopt-045a5c88c0d702d2b",
        "instanceTenancy": "default",
        "isDefault": "false"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create VPC - AWS:

Created VPC ID


Created VPC State


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "cidrBlock": "",
  "adapterId": "EC2",
  "vpcName": "TEST VPC"


  "createdVpc": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "CreateVpcResponse": {
        "_attr": {
          "xmlns": ""
        "requestId": "da850668-b4d9-4c57-846a-7b64e487eef9",
        "vpc": {
          "vpcId": "vpc-057e1defa8211ba74",
          "ownerId": "314014972859",
          "state": "pending",
          "cidrBlock": "",
          "cidrBlockAssociationSet": {
            "item": [
                "cidrBlock": "",
                "associationId": "vpc-cidr-assoc-0f0f4d51506a452cd",
                "cidrBlockState": {
                  "state": "associated"
          "ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": "",
          "dhcpOptionsId": "dopt-045a5c88c0d702d2b",
          "instanceTenancy": "default",
          "isDefault": "false"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Create VPC - AWS EC2
Create Tags - AWS EC2

Create VPC Subnet - AWS

A modular workflow that automates creating a subnet for a VPC in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create subnet for a VPC in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create VPC Subnet - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create VPC Subnet - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create VPC Subnet - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
cidrBlockstringyesThe IPv4 network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation
vpcIdstringyesThe ID of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create VPC Subnet - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
subnetIdstringID of the created subnet

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create VPC Subnet - AWS:

Created VPC Subnet ID


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "cidrBlock": "", 
  "vpcId": "vpc-0ece2ed1b3725e018", 
  "adapterId": "EC2" 


  "subnetId": "subnet-04545f4e6b8bc63ea" 

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Create Subnet - AWS EC2

Create and Attach Internet Gateway - AWS

A modular workflow that automates creating and attaching an internet gateway to a VPC in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create and attach Internet gateway to VPC in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create and Attach Internet Gateway - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create and Attach Internet Gateway - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create and Attach Internet Gateway - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
vpcIdstringyesThe ID of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create and Attach Internet Gateway - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
internetGatewayIdstringThe ID of the created Internet gateway

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create and Attach Internet Gateway - AWS:

Created Internet Gateway ID


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "EC2", 
  "vpcId": "vpc-0c78b30c98d04b8ce" 


  "internetGatewayId": "igw-01462c9d3d191a0b3" 

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Create Internet Gateway - AWS EC2
Attach Internet Gateway - AWS EC2

Delete Security Groups by VPC - AWS

A modular workflow that automates deleting VPC Security groups in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete VPC Security groups in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete Security Groups by VPC - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete Security Groups by VPC - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete Security Groups by VPC - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
vpcIdstringyesThe ID of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete Security Groups by VPC - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedSecurityGrouparrayDelete Security group request result
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "DeleteSecurityGroupResponse": {
        "_attr": {
          "xmlns": ""
        "requestId": "2cdea5d3-b27b-4a39-ab90-26bf31051769",
        "return": "true"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete Security Groups by VPC - AWS:

Delete Security Group Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "vpcId": "vpc-0b678b7a21e66ded8",
  "adapterId": "EC2" 


  "deletedSecurityGroup": [
      "icode": "AD.200",
      "response": { 
        "DeleteSecurityGroupResponse": { 
          "_attr": { 
            "xmlns": "" 
          "requestId": "2cdea5d3-b27b-4a39-ab90-26bf31051769", 
          "return": "true" 

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Delete Security Group - AWS EC2
Describe Security Groups - AWS EC2

Delete Subnets by VPC - AWS

A modular workflow that automates deleting subnets by VPC in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete VPC Subnets from AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete Subnets by VPC - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete Subnets by VPC - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete Subnets by VPC - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
vpcIdstringyesThe ID of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete Subnets by VPC - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedSubnetarrayDelete Subnet request result
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "DeleteSubnetResponse": {
        "_attr": {
          "xmlns": ""
        "requestId": "31ea90a8-8dbb-4cde-912a-df8d1f1021ec",
        "return": "true"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete Subnets by VPC - AWS:

Delete Subnet Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "vpcId": "vpc-0b678b7a21e66ded8",
  "adapterId": "EC2" 


  "deletedSubnet": [
      "icode": "AD.200",
      "response": { 
        "DeleteSubnetResponse": { 
          "_attr": { 
            "xmlns": "" 
          "requestId": "31ea90a8-8dbb-4cde-912a-df8d1f1021ec", 
          "return": "true" 

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Delete Subnet - AWS EC2
Describe Subnets - AWS EC2

Destroy VPC and EC2 Instance - AWS

A modular workflow that automates destroying a VPC and EC2 Instance in AWS

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to destroy VPC And EC2 Instance in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Destroy VPC And EC2 Instance - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Destroy VPC and EC2 Instance - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Destroy VPC And EC2 Instance - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
vpcIdstringyesThe ID of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Destroy VPC And EC2 Instance - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedVPCobjectDelete VPC request result
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "DeleteVpcResponse": {
      "_attr": {
        "xmlns": ""
      "requestId": "81a08c9a-f42d-49ea-9359-9213d2a11250",
      "return": "true"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Destroy VPC And EC2 Instance - AWS:

Delete VPC Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "vpcId": "vpc-0ece2ed1b3725e018", 
  "adapterId": "EC2" 


  "deletedVPC": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "DeleteVpcResponse": {
        "_attr": {
          "xmlns": ""
        "requestId": "81a08c9a-f42d-49ea-9359-9213d2a11250",
        "return": "true"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Describe VPCs - AWS EC2
Describe Instances - AWS EC2
Describe Internet Gateways - AWS EC2
Detach Internet Gateway - AWS EC2
Delete Internet Gateway - AWS EC2
Delete Security Group - AWS EC2
Delete Subnet - AWS EC2
Delete VPC - AWS EC2
Terminate Instances - AWS EC2

Detach and Delete Internet Gateways by VPC - AWS

A modular workflow that automates detaching and deleting VPC internet gateways in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to detach and delete VPC Internet gateways in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Detach and Delete Internet Gateways by VPC - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Detach and Delete Internet Gateways by VPC - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Detach and Delete Internet Gateways by VPC - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
vpcIdstringyesThe ID of the VPC
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Detach and Delete Internet Gateways by VPC - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedInternetGatewayobjectDelete Internet Gateway request result
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "DeleteInternetGatewayResponse": {
      "_attr": {
        "xmlns": ""
      "requestId": "f743ec7e-1039-4261-8f74-4f8ba72a6c35",
      "return": "true"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Detach and Delete Internet Gateways by VPC - AWS:

Delete Internet Gateway Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "EC2", 
  "vpcId": "vpc-0ba78c5ca9aaecd64" 


  "deletedInternetGateway": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "DeleteInternetGatewayResponse": {
        "_attr": {
          "xmlns": ""
        "requestId": "f743ec7e-1039-4261-8f74-4f8ba72a6c35",
        "return": "true"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Describe Internet Gateways - AWS EC2
Detach Internet Gateway - AWS EC2
Delete Internet Gateway - AWS EC2

Provision VPC with Networking - AWS

A modular workflow that automates creating and configuring a VPC with networking in AWS.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create and configure VPC in AWS

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Provision VPC with Networking - AWS is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Provision VPC with Networking - AWSWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Provision VPC with Networking - AWS:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
vpcSubnetstringyesThe IPv4 network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation
vpcNamestringyesName of your VPC
Test VPC1234
securityGroupNamestringyesName of the Security group
securityGroupDescstringyesDescription of the Security group
Security Group for TESTING
ingressRulesarrayyesList of rules
    "sourceSubnetCidrMask": 32,
    "sourceIp": "",
    "protocol": "TCP",
    "port": 80
adapterIdstringyesAWS EC2 adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Provision VPC with Networking - AWS:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
vpcIdstringID of the created VPC
subnetIdstringID of the created subnet
internetGatewayIdstringID of the created Internet gateway
securityGroupIdstringID of the created Security group

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Provision VPC with Networking - AWS:

Created VPC ID


Created Subnet ID


Created Internet Gateway ID


Created Security Group ID


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "vpcSubnet": "",
  "vpcName": "Test VPC1234",
  "adapterId": "EC2",
  "securityGroupName": "TESTING 1",
  "securityGroupDesc": "Security Group for TESTING",
  "ingressRules": [
      "sourceSubnetCidrMask": 32, 
      "sourceIp": "", 
      "protocol": "TCP", 
      "port": 80


  "vpcId": "vpc-0b678b7a21e66ded8",
  "subnetId": "subnet-097a82181b977273f",
  "internetGatewayId": "igw-070593dabfda1adf0",
  "securityGroupId": "sg-0cdc4162d4cd16dfe"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Create VPC - AWS EC2
Create Tags - AWS EC2
Create Subnet - AWS EC2
Create Internet Gateway - AWS EC2
Attach Internet Gateway - AWS EC2
Create Route - AWS EC2
Configure Route Tables - AWS EC2
Describe Route Tables - AWS EC2
Create Security Group - AWS EC2
Authorize Security Group Ingress - AWS EC2

Additional Information


Please use your Itential Customer Success account if you need support when using this Workflow Project.