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Workflow Project

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Infoblox DDI - Modular Automations


The integration of Itential and the Infoblox DDI solution enables network teams to utilize its REST API to build automations that can include common tasks for DNS record and IP management. This is a library of related automations that can be used as modular components in your own larger, end-to-end workflows.


Assign Next IP - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates assigning the next available IP from a network in Infoblox.
Create DNS A Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates creating a DNS A record in Infoblox.
Create DNS CNAME Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates creating a DNS CNAME record in Infoblox.
Create DNS Fixed Address Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates creating a fixed address in Infoblox. A fixed address is a specific IP address that a DHCP server always assigns when a lease request comes from a particular MAC address of the client.
Create DNS NS Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates creating a DNS NS record in Infoblox.
Create DNS PTR Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates creating a DNS PTR record in Infoblox.
Create Network - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates creating a new network in Infoblox.
Create Network Container - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates creating a new network container in Infoblox.
Delete DNS A Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates deleting a DNS A record in Infoblox.
Delete DNS CNAME Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that autoamtes deleting a DNS CNAME record in Infoblox.
Delete DNS Fixed Address Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates deleting a fixed address record in Infoblox. A fixed address is a specific IP address that a DHCP server always assigns when a lease request comes from a particular MAC address of the client.
Delete DNS NS Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates deleting a DNS NS record in Infoblox.
Delete DNS PTR Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates deleting a DNS PTR record in Infoblox.
Delete Network - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates deleting a network in Infoblox.
Delete Network Container - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates deleting a network container in Infoblox.
Modify DNS A Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS A record in Infoblox.
Modify DNS CNAME Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS CNAME record in Infoblox.
Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates modifying a fixed address record in Infoblox. A fixed address is a specific IP address that a DHCP server always assigns when a lease request comes from a particular MAC address of the client.
Modify DNS NS Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS NS record in Infoblox.
Modify DNS PTR Record - InfobloxA modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS PTR record in Infoblox.

For further technical details on how to install and use this Workflow Project, please click the Technical Documentation tab.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

This section is helpful for deployments as it provides you with pertinent information on prerequisites and properties.

Helpful Background Information

Workflows often include logic that varies from business to business. As a result, we often find that our Workflow Projects are more useful as modular components that can be incorporated into a larger process. In addition, they often can add value as a learning tool on how we integrate with other systems and how we do things within the Itential Automation Platform.

While these can be utilized, you may find more value in using them as a starting point to build around.


Itential Workflow Projects are built and tested on particular versions of IAP. In addition, Workflow Projects are often dependent on external systems and as such, these Workflow Projects will have dependencies on these other systems. This version of Infoblox - DDI - REST has been tested with:

  • IAP 2023.2

External Dependencies

NameOS VersionAPI Version


NameVersionConfiguration Notes

How to Install

To install the Workflow Project:

  • Verify you are running a supported version of the Itential Automation Platform (IAP) as listed above in the Supported IAP Versions section in order to install the Example Project.
  • Import the Example Project in Admin Essentials.


Cypress is generally used to test all Itential Example Projects. While Cypress is an opensource tool, at Itential we have internal libraries that have been built around Cypress to allow us to test with a deployed IAP.

When certifying our Example Projects for a release of IAP we run these tests against the particular version of IAP and create a release branch in GitLab. If you do not see the Example Project available in your version of IAP please contact Itential.

While Itential tests this Example Project and its capabilities, it is often the case the customer environments offer their own unique circumstances. Therefore, it is our recommendation that you deploy this Example Project into a development/testing environment in which you can test the Example Project.

Using this Workflow Project

Workflow Projects contain 1 or more workflows. Each of these workflows have different inputs and outputs.

Assign Next IP - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates assigning the next available IP from a network in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to assign next available IP in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Assign Next IP - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Assign Next IP - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Assign Next IP - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
networkIPstringyesThe network IP of the master network block
hostNamestringyesThe name of the host to be registered as
commentstringnoAdditional comments or notes related to the IP address assignment
adapterIdstringyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Assign Next IP - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
assignedNextIpobjectThe result of Assign Next IP request
  "assignedIP": "",
  "hostName": "foo",
  "hostKey": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:host/ZG5zLmhvc3QkLm5vbl9ETlNfaG9zdF9yb290LjAuMTY5ODMzMDgyNDc3NC5mb28:foo/%20"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Assign Next IP request fails
  "icode": "AD.999",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-adapter-assignNextIP2",
    "displayString": "Network not found",
    "recommendation": "Make sure the network exists"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Assign Next IP - Infoblox:

Next assigned IP


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Assign Next IP - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "networkIP": "",
  "hostName": "foo",
  "comment": "Testing",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "assignedNextIp": {
    "assignedIP": "",
    "hostName": "foo",
    "hostKey": {
      "icode": "AD.201",
      "response": {
        "result": "record:host/ZG5zLmhvc3QkLm5vbl9ETlNfaG9zdF9yb290LjAuMTY5ODMzMDgyNDc3NC5mb28:foo/%20"
Example 2


  "networkIP": "",
  "hostName": "bar",
  "comment": "test",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "assignedNextIp": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.999",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-adapter-assignNextIP2",
      "displayString": "Network not found",
      "recommendation": "Make sure the network exists"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Create DNS A Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates creating a DNS A record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create an A record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create DNS A Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create DNS A Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create DNS A Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
hostNamestringyesHost name for which the A record will be created
ipAddressstringyesIP address that will be associated with the host
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the A record will be created
adapterIdstringyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create DNS A Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
createdARecordobjectThe result of Create A Record request
  "icode": "AD.201",
  "response": "record:a/"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Create A Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create DNS A Record - Infoblox:

Create A Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Create DNS A Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "hostname": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "createdARecord": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": "record:a/"
Example 2


  "hostname": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "createdARecord": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Create DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates creating a DNS CNAME record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create a CNAME record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create DNS CNAME Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
aliasNamestringyesThe name you want to use as an alias for another host or domain
canonicalNamestringyesActual name of the host or domain that the alias name is mapped to
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the CNAME record will be created
adapterIdstringyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
cnameRecordobjectThe result of Create CNAME Record request
  "icode": "AD.201",
  "response": "record:cname/"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Create CNAME Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

Create CNAME Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Create DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "aliasName": "",
  "canonicalName": ""


  "cnameRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": "record:cname/"
Example 2


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "aliasName": "",
  "canonicalName": ""


  "cnameRecord": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Create DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates creating a fixed address in Infoblox. A fixed address is a specific IP address that a DHCP server always assigns when a lease request comes from a particular MAC address of the client.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create a Fixed Address record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create DNS Fixed Address Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
ipAddressstringyesIP address
macAddressstringyesA unique identifier used for mapping the IP address to a network device
adapterIdstringyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
fixedAddressRecordobjectThe result of Create Fixed Address Record request
  "icode": "AD.201",
  "response": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuMC4wLjEuMC4u:"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Create Fixed Address Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address"
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

Create Fixed Address Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Create DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "macAddress": "aa:bb:cc:45:67:45"


  "fixedAddressRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuMC4wLjEuMC4u:"
Example 2


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "macAddress": "aa:bb:cc:45:67:45"


  "fixedAddressRecord": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address"
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Create DNS NS Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates creating a DNS NS record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create a NS record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create DNS NS Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create DNS NS Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
nsRecordstringyesThe field combines the domain name and the zone name to form the FQDN
nameServerstringyesDomain name
addressesarrayyesIP addresses of the name server
    "address": ""
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the NS record will be created
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
createdNSRecordobjectThe result of Create NS Record request
  "icode": "AD.201",
  "response": "record:ns/ZG5zLmJpbmRfbnMkLl9kZWZhdWx0LmNvbS5pdGVudGlhbC5sYWIuLmluZm9ibG94LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu:infoblox.localdomain/"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Create NS Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address"
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "Cannot find the parent network for the fixed address"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

Create NS Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Create DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "nsRecord": "",
  "nameServer": "infoblox.localdomain",
  "addresses": [
      "address": ""


  "createdNSRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": "record:ns/ZG5zLmJpbmRfbnMkLl9kZWZhdWx0LmNvbS5pdGVudGlhbC5sYWIuLmluZm9ibG94LmxvY2FsZG9tYWlu:infoblox.localdomain/",
Example 2


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "nsRecord": "",
  "nameServer": "infoblox.localdomain",
  "addresses": [
      "address": ""


  "createdNSRecord": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Create DNS PTR Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates creating a DNS PTR record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create a PTR record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create DNS PTR Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create DNS PTR Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
hostnamestringyesHost name
ipAddressstringyesIP address to which the PTR recocrd will point
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the PTR record is created
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
ptrRecordobjectThe result of Create PTR Record request
  "icode": "AD.201",
  "response": "record:ptr/"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Create PTR Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

Create PTR Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Create DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "hostname": "hostexample",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default"


  "ptrRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": "record:ptr/"
Example 2


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "hostname": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default"


  "ptrRecord": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Create Network - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates creating a new network in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create a new network in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create Network - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create Network - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create Network - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
networkstringyesNetwork address and subnet mask for the network you want to create
commentstringyesDescriptive information or additional comment about the network
test create network
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create Network - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
createdNetworkobjectThe result of Create Network request
  "icode": "AD.201",
  "response": {
    "result": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTI3LjAuMC4wLzI0LzA:",
    "networkIP": ""
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Create Network request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Bad value for network: ''",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
        "text": "Bad value for network: ''"
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Bad value for network: ''",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
    "text": "Bad value for network: ''"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create Network - Infoblox:

Create Network Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Create Network - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "network": "",
  "comment": "test create network",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "createdNetwork": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": {
      "result": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTI3LjAuMC4wLzI0LzA:",
      "networkIP": ""
Example 2


  "network": "",
  "comment": "test",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "createdNetwork": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Bad value for network: ''",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
          "text": "Bad value for network: ''"
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Bad value for network: ''",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
      "text": "Bad value for network: ''"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Create Network Container - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates creating a new network container in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to create a new network container in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Create Network Container - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Create Network Container - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Create Network Container - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
networkstringyesNetwork address and subnet mask that defines the parent network
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Create Network Container - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
createdNetworkContainerobjectThe result of Create Network Container request
  "icode": "AD.201",
  "response": "success"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Create Network Container request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database.)",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database."
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database.)",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database."

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Create Network Container - Infoblox:

Create Network Container Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Create Network Container - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "network": ""


  "createdNetworkContainer": {
    "icode": "AD.201",
    "response": "success"
Example 2


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "network": ""


  "createdNetworkContainer": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "Duplicate object '' of type 'network_container' already exists in the database."

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Delete DNS A Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates deleting a DNS A record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete an A record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete DNS A Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete DNS A Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete DNS A Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
hostNamestringyesHost name for which the A record was created
ipAddressstringyesIP address that is associated with the host
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the A record was created
adapterIdstringyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete DNS A Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedARecordobjectThe result of Delete A Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:a/"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete DNS A Record - Infoblox:

Delete A Record Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "hostname": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "deletedARecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:a/"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Delete DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that autoamtes deleting a DNS CNAME record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete a CNAME Record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete DNS CNAME Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
aliasNamestringyesAlias name
canonicalNamestringyesActual name of the host or domain that the alias name is mapped to
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the CNAME record was created
adapterIdstringyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedCnameRecordobjectThe result of Delete CNAME Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:cname/"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

Delete CNAME Record Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "aliasName": "",
  "canonicalName": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "deletedCnameRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:cname/"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Delete DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates deleting a fixed address record in Infoblox. A fixed address is a specific IP address that a DHCP server always assigns when a lease request comes from a particular MAC address of the client.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete a Fixed Address record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete DNS Fixed Address Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
ipAddressstringyesIP address
macAddressstringyesA unique identifier used for mapping the IP address to a network device
adapterIdstringyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedFixedAddressobjectThe result of delete Fixed Address Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuMC4wLjIuMC4u:"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

Delete Fixed Address Record Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "ipAddress": "",
  "macAddress": "2c:54:91:88:c9:e3",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "deletedFixedAddress": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuMC4wLjIuMC4u:"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Delete DNS NS Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates deleting a DNS NS record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete a NS record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete DNS NS Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete DNS NS Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
nsRecordstringyesThe field combines the domain name and the zone name to form the FQDN
nameServerstringyesDomain name
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the NS record was created
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedNSRecordobjectThe result of Delete NS Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:ns/ZG5zLmJpbmRfbnMkLl9kZWZhdWx0LmNvbS5pdGVudGlhbC5sYWIuLnRlc3QubG9jYWxkb21haW4:test.localdomain/"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

Delete NS Record Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "nsRecord": "",
  "nameServer": "test.localdomain"


  "deletedNSRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:ns/ZG5zLmJpbmRfbnMkLl9kZWZhdWx0LmNvbS5pdGVudGlhbC5sYWIuLnRlc3QubG9jYWxkb21haW4:test.localdomain/"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Delete DNS PTR Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates deleting a DNS PTR record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete a PTR record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete DNS PTR Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete DNS PTR Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
hostnamestringyesHost name
ipAddressstringyesIP address to which the PTR recocrd is pointing
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the PTR record was created
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedPTRRecordobjectThe result of Delete PTR Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:ptr/"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

Delete PTR Record Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "hostname": "foo",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default"


  "deletedPTRRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:ptr/"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Delete Network - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates deleting a network in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete a network in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete Network - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete Network - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete Network - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
networkIPstringyesNetwork address and subnet mask for the network you want to delete
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete Network - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedNetworkobjectThe result of Delete Network request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": "success"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Delete Network request fails
  "icode": "AD.999",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-adapter-deleteNetworkv2",
    "displayString": "Network not found",
    "recommendation": "Make sure the network exists"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete Network - Infoblox:

Delete Network Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Delete Network - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "networkIP": "",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "deletedNetwork": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": "success"
Example 2


  "networkIP": "",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "deletedNetwork": null,
  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.999",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-adapter-deleteNetworkv2",
      "displayString": "Network not found",
      "recommendation": "Make sure the network exists"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Delete Network Container - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates deleting a network container in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to delete a network container in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Delete Network Container - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Delete Network Container - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Delete Network Container - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
networkIPstringyesNetwork address and subnet mask
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Delete Network Container - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
deletedNetworkContainerobjectThe result of Delete Network Container request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": "networkcontainer/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmtfY29udGFpbmVyJDEwLjAuMC4wLzE2LzA:"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Delete Network Container - Infoblox:

Delete Network Container Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "networkIP": "",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox"


  "deletedNetworkContainer": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": "networkcontainer/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmtfY29udGFpbmVyJDEwLjAuMC4wLzE2LzA:"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Modify DNS A Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS A record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to modify A record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Modify DNS A Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Modify DNS A Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Modify DNS A Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
currentHostnamestringyesHostname that is currently mapped to the IP address in the A record
currentIpAddressstringyesCurrent IP address
updatedHostnamestringyesNew hostname to be mapped to the IP address
updatedIpAddressstringyesNew IP address
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the A record was created
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Modify DNS A Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
updatedARecordobjectThe result of Update A Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:a/"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Update A Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Modify DNS A Record - Infoblox:

Update A Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Modify DNS A Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "currentHostname": "",
  "currentIpAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "updatedHostname": "",
  "updatedIpAddress": ""


  "updatedARecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:a/"
Example 2


  "currentHostname": "",
  "currentIpAddress": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "updatedHostname": "",
  "updatedIpAddress": ""


  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
  "updatedARecord": null

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Modify DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS CNAME record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to modify CNAME record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Modify DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Modify DNS CNAME Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Modify DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
currentAliasNamestringyesCurrent alias name
currentCanonicalNamestringyesCurrent canonical name
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the CNAME record was created
newAliasNamestringyesNew alias name to be mapped to the canonical name
newCanonicalNamestringyesNew canonical name
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Modify DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
updatedCnameRecordobjectThe result of Update CNAME Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:cname/"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Update CNAME Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Modify DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

Update CNAME Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Modify DNS CNAME Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "currentAliasName": "",
  "currentCanonicalName": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "newAliasName": "",
  "newCanonicalName": ""


  "updatedCnameRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:cname/"
Example 2


  "currentAliasName": "",
  "currentCanonicalName": "",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "newAliasName": "",
  "newCanonicalName": ""


  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
  "updatedCnameRecord": null

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates modifying a fixed address record in Infoblox. A fixed address is a specific IP address that a DHCP server always assigns when a lease request comes from a particular MAC address of the client.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to modify Fixed Address record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
currentIpAddressstringyesCurrent IP address
currentMacAddressstringyesCurrent MAC address
newIpAddressstringyesNew IP address
newMacAddressstringyesNew MAC address
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
updatedFixedAddressobjectThe result of Update Fixed Address Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuMC4wLjIuMC4u:"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Update Fixed Address Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The IP address is not valid for the network",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "The IP address is not valid for the network"
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The IP address is not valid for the network",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "The IP address is not valid for the network"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

Update Fixed Address Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Modify DNS Fixed Address Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "currentIpAddress": "",
  "currentMacAddress": "aa:bb:cc:45:67:45",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "newIpAddress": "",
  "newMacAddress": "2c:54:91:88:c9:e3"


  "updatedFixedAddress": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuMC4wLjIuMC4u:"
Example 2


  "currentIpAddress": "",
  "currentMacAddress": "aa:bb:cc:45:67:45",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "newIpAddress": "",
  "newMacAddress": "2c:54:91:88:c9:e3"


  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The IP address is not valid for the network",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "The IP address is not valid for the network"
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The IP address is not valid for the network",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "The IP address is not valid for the network"
  "updatedFixedAddress": null

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Modify DNS NS Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS NS record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to modify NS record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Modify DNS NS Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Modify DNS NS Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Modify DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
currentNsRecordstringyesCurrent NS record
currentNameServerstringyesCurrent name server
newNameServerstringyesNew name server
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the NS record was created
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Modify DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
updatedNSRecordobjectThe result of Update NS Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:ns/ZG5zLmJpbmRfbnMkLl9kZWZhdWx0LmNvbS5pdGVudGlhbC5sYWIuLnRlc3QubG9jYWxkb21haW4:test.localdomain/"

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Modify DNS NS Record - Infoblox:

Update NS Record Request Result


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "currentNsRecord": "",
  "currentNameServer": "infoblox.localdomain",
  "newNameServer": "test.localdomain"


  "updatedNSRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:ns/ZG5zLmJpbmRfbnMkLl9kZWZhdWx0LmNvbS5pdGVudGlhbC5sYWIuLnRlc3QubG9jYWxkb21haW4:test.localdomain/"

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Modify DNS PTR Record - Infoblox

A modular workflow that automates modifying a DNS PTR record in Infoblox.

Capabilities include:

  • The workflow is used to modify PTR record in Infoblox

Entry Point IAP Component

The primary IAP component to run Modify DNS PTR Record - Infoblox is listed below:

IAP Component NameIAP Component Type
Modify DNS PTR Record - InfobloxWorkflow


The following table lists the inputs for Modify DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample Value
currentIpAddressstringyesCurrent IP address
currentHostnamestringyesCurrent host name
newIpAddressstringyesNew IP address
newHostnamestringyesNew host name
dnsViewstringyesDNS view in which the PTR record was created
adapterIdarrayyesInfoblox adapter to use


The following table lists the outputs for Modify DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

NameTypeDescriptionExample Value
updatedPTRRecordobjectThe result of Update PTR Record request
  "icode": "AD.200",
  "response": {
    "result": "record:ptr/"
infobloxErrorobjectError response if Update PTR Record request fails
  "icode": "AD.500",
  "IAPerror": {
    "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
    "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
    "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
    "code": 400,
    "raw_response": {
      "status": "success",
      "code": 400,
      "response": {
        "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
        "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
        "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."
  "response": {
    "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
    "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."

Query Output

The following items show how to query successful results from the output of Modify DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

Update PTR Record Request Result


The following items show how to query failure results from the output of Modify DNS PTR Record - Infoblox:

Error Response Message


Example Inputs and Outputs

Example 1


  "currentIpAddress": "",
  "currentHostname": "hostexample",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "newIpAddress": "",
  "newHostname": "foo"


  "updatedPTRRecord": {
    "icode": "AD.200",
    "response": {
      "result": "record:ptr/"
Example 2


  "currentIpAddress": "",
  "currentHostname": "foo",
  "dnsView": "default",
  "adapterId": "Infoblox",
  "newIpAddress": "",
  "newHostname": "bar"


  "infobloxError": {
    "icode": "AD.500",
    "IAPerror": {
      "origin": "Infoblox-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
      "displayString": "Error 400 received on request",
      "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
      "code": 400,
      "raw_response": {
        "status": "success",
        "code": 400,
        "response": {
          "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
          "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
          "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."
    "response": {
      "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified.)",
      "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
      "text": "An invalid IP address or reverse zone was specified."
  "updatedPTRRecord": null

API Links

API NameAPI Documentation LinkAPI Link Visibility
Infoblox REST API Reference

Additional Information


Please use your Itential Customer Success account if you need support when using this Workflow Project.