How to Orchestrate & Productize Network Automations as services

IT organizations spend a significant amount of time and effort making network changes to keep up with evolving app and infrastructure requirements. This often represents manual work that can slow down IT processes and impact organizational efficiency.

The latest release of Itential’s ServiceNow App is built to solve these problems, bridging the gap between application teams and network teams. The new Itential Actions enable ServiceNow developers to access and run Itential network automations from within a ServiceNow Flow, meaning IT processes can directly self-serve network infrastructure and receive network services instantly.

In this demo, Rich Martin walks through some of the top ways developers can leverage Itential Actions to deliver IT services at maximum efficiency:

  • Leveraging existing configuration to authenticate to an Itential Automation Platform instance and get a token.
  • Requesting and receiving a list of published network automations.
  • Running a published automation via an API endpoint within a Flow.
  • Querying the network for the status of an automation job.

Demo Notes

(So you can skip ahead, if you want.)

00:00 Introduction & Overview of Demo
01:07 Using Itential Actions in ServiceNow Flow Designer
01:19 Adding an Action to a Flow
02:50 Example Flow: Requesting a List of Published Automations
03:23 Example Flow: Run an Automation & Get Status
04:39 Testing a Flow with Itential Actions
04:52 Reviewing Automation Jobs in ServiceNow
05:30 Reviewing Automation Jobs in Itential
06:28 Reviewing Flow Test Run Results