
How to Use GitHub as a Common Data Source for Itential Network Automations

GitHub is an incredibly popular platform that is primarily used by programmers to collaborate, track, and share files and code for projects they are working developing and maintaining. Because of features like file sharing, versioning, and tracking GitHub has also found popularity with a multitude of groups outside of developers. In fact, more and more networking teams who are looking to automate network processes find that they need to have a common data source for network information — and GitHub is one of those platforms they turn to in order to implement that source of truth for network data like ACLs, inventory, and more.

With the Itential Automation Platform, integration with GitHub (and any platform, tool, or system) can be accomplished quickly with just a few clicks and will open up the entire library of API methods that can now be used in a network automation that you can build in a low-code, drag-and-drop workflow canvas. In this demo, Rich Martin, Technical Marketing Engineer at Itential, demonstrates how to integrate GitHub with the Itential Automation Platform to use for network automation. Learn step-by-step how to:

  • Quickly generate an integration with GitHub with OpenAPI.
  • Investigate API methods from GitHub and use them as Tasks.
  • Build a workflow to create, read, and update files from a GitHub repo.
  • Utilize files from GitHub as a data source for common network information.

Demo Notes

(So you can skip ahead, if you want.)

00:00 Intro & Demo overview
02:13 Generating a GitHub Integration Using OpenAPI Documentation
05:19 Reviewing the GitHub REST API
10:30 Understanding GitHub Owner, Repository, & Files to Use in an Automation
12:12 Create & Test a Workflow to Read the Contents of a File on GitHub
19:50 Create & Test a Workflow to Create a New File on GitHub
26:30 Build a Workflow to Update a Router ACL from Data in a GitHub File
27:30 Add a Task to Make Changes to a Cisco Router
31:20 Create a Transformation to Format GitHub ACL Data to Use in Update Task
39:26 Add the Transformation Task to the Workflow
42:36 Run & Test the Workflow & Verify the Updated ACL Data is Applied to Router