
Orchestrate & Track Cloud Infrastructure Services for Application Scalability with Itential

AWS provides an impressive set of tools that IT teams use to automate infrastructure changes in the AWS cloud platform. These tools automate specific tasks and are often used manually, one after another, to fulfill a larger request. By orchestrating these tasks together and managing them as a service offering over time, organizations can respond faster to requests and more efficiently utilize cloud resources.

By using the Itential Automation Platform, IT teams can quickly integrate with any cloud platform, such as AWS, and leverage native APIs to build orchestrated workflows that can automate network and infrastructure changes along with other, non-infrastructure tasks, like documenting changes and managing tickets. There’s also a simple process to define a service and track it over time to ensure that expensive cloud resources are properly utilized.

In this demo Joksan Flores, Senior Solutions Engineer at Itential, shows step-by-step how teams can:

  • Automate AWS infrastructure like EC2, Certs, and ELB to provide application scaling.
  • Orchestrate processes to include ServiceNow ticket management along with infrastructure automation.
  • Define related details for the application’s infrastructure services in a JSON schema.
  • Manage application services through multiple lifecycle stages.

Demo Notes

(So you can skip ahead, if you want.)

Traditional Infrastructure Changes
Demo Overview
Methods to Run Automations in IAP
Run a Workflow to Provision Load Balancing & DNS services
Review Workflow Execution with ServiceNow & MS Teams Integration
Utilizing Stateful Orchestration Capabilities with Services