
The Cloud Gambit: GenAI, Smart Agents, Automation, & What’s Next for Networking

Chris Wade, Co-Founder and CTO of Itential, and Craig Johnson, Technical Solutions Architect at Forward Networks, sat down with Cloud Gambit host William Collins of Alkira to discuss key evolutions in network automation and where things are headed. Starting with generative AI, they explore what has and hasn’t worked, why APIs are so important, the expansion of operational platforms, and what we can learn from cloud and DevOps to accelerate network automation.

What You’ll Hear in This Podcast

  • What generative AI and smart agents mean for network orchestration and the verticalization of networks.
  • Why separating domain automation and orchestration is key to understanding how to progress.
  • The role of vendors in providing tools that can interoperate easily by providing APIs and clear documentation.
  • How the network layer has stabilized, and why that makes automation easier with the building of operational platforms.
  • Applying cloud principles to network infrastructure to automate more and scale successfully.
  • The need to understand what the application teams want and then build the simplified infrastructure to support that.
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