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in "All Categories"
Alkira: Get ID for Segment
This Pre-Built Automation enables users of the Itential Automation Platform to query for a segment ID in the Alkira Platform. Learn more about how Itential integrates with Alkira
Alkira: Provision Palo Alto Firewall
This Pre-Built Automation enables users of the Itential Automation Platform to automate the provisioning of Palo Alto firewalls to control network access to different applications and services in the Alkira Platform. Learn more about how Itential integrates with Alkira
Pre-Built Wizard
The Pre-Built Wizard Automation includes both Pre-Built Wizard and Pre-Built Wizard Re-Discovery Operations Manager automations. Pre-Built Wizard provides the ability to create and export a Pre-Built made up of IAP components for a given use case or automation. Pre-Built Wizard Re-Discovery enables updating an existing Pre-Built with any new or removed Itential Automation Platform (IAP)
Pre-Built Promotion Bitbucket Server
The Pre-Built Automation, Promotion Bitbucket Server, pushes a Pre-Built Automation to a target Bitbucket Server project, that is preloaded with CI/CD scripts, to promote and test it. Additionally, the Promotion Bitbucket Server Pre-Built Automation can update an existing Pre-Built Automation in a Bitbucket Server. It creates a merge request and promotes the new Pre-Built directly
Update a Device’s Details in IAG
The Pre-Built Automation, Update a Device’s Details in IAG, updates the details for a list devices in the inventory of an IAG (Itential Automation Gateway) instance and returns their updated device details.
GitLab Pull a File from Repo
The Pre-Built Automation, GitLab Pull A File from Repository, consists of an Operations Manager automation used to read an existing file from a specific GitLab project.
GitLab Get Diff of Merge
The Pre-Built Automation, GitLab Get Diff of Merge, consists of an Operations Manager automation used to get the diff (difference) between the current state and the proposed changes to a GitLab project branch.
S3 CRUD Operations
The Pre-Built Automation, S3 CRUD Operations, consists of an Operations Manager automation to showcase basic operations available on AWS S3. With this Pre-Built users can automate the manual tasks associated with directly working on AWS S3, using tasks exposed by the Itential open source Pre-Built Adapter: Amazon S3.
Create GitLab Branch
The Pre-Built Automation, Create GitLab Branch, consists of an Operations Manager automation used to create a branch in a GitLab project if it doesn’t already exist.
Create GitLab Project
The Pre-Built Automation, Create GitLab Project, consists of an Operations Manager automation to create a project in GitLab if it doesn’t already exist, with or without using a custom template.
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